About US
Trade name: CityTek Electronics
Phone number: +8615651003063
Email: info@filmvideogear.com
Canada address: 4927 58B Street, Delta, BC V4K 3J3,Vancouver,Canada
CityTek Electronics specialized in professional Broadcast and film video equipments over 15 years, we supply electronic power and lighting systems and broadcast camera accessories to dealers and end users, we offer complete, state-of-the art video, film & TV studio design and installation solutions.
Our connections to many brands mean customized service for you and your project, no matter the size or scope.Our intimate knowledge of product, combined with a knack for creative implementation makes us the number-one equipment resource for studios,galleries,businesses and other organizations with large multi-media needs and services. Our team serves the specific purpose to make sure your investment is worth jumping up and down in joy for. We make getting geared up simple and make sure it’s done right.